Friday 2 November 2012

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare


The Call of Duty 3 have left in the hands of Treyarch has allowed Infinity Ward to focus full-time on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and the technology platform behind the new episode of the popular series of military shooters. We are, thus, in the presence of a product that is much more than a simple sequel, and not only for the change of environment, but also for a whole series of new mechanical ranging to be placed on a base extensively tested.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare proposes a contemporary setting, vaguely inspired by real historical events that have shocked humanity in recent years. Modern weapons, gadgets ultra-technological, advanced vehicles, tactical military magazines for the occurrence scenarios reproducing the contemporary period are only some of the elements that mark the huge gap between this and Call of Duty predecessors.
Technically the game is significantly improved compared to the past, while not presenting the polygonal detail and the amount of post-processing effects in other games next-gen. On the other hand, this was not even the main focus of Infinity Ward, which, as it has done the rest, especially oversaw the frame rate, optimization and performance beyond the target platform. The American software house, therefore, can boast of being able to obtain a constant frame rate of 60 fps on the three target platforms of Modern Warfare, or PC, PlayStation 3 and XBox 360.

Turning quickly looked to the past, we must go back to October 2003 to find the first Call of Duty. It was an important period for the military shooter, a genre that had found its consecration in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Call of Duty was based on technology from id Software Quake III Arena and gave a perspective on World War II through the experiences of British and Soviet soldiers.
Call of Duty 2 is released two years later, in October 2005. This time is based on a proprietary technology, revealing himself as one of the products most graphically advanced for that period. The game includes three armies that correspond to the three single player campaigns available to the player. You can deal with the single-player adventure, in fact, with the Soviets, alongside the British or with the Americans.
The third Call of Duty, however, is addressed only to the console and is not developed by Infinity Ward, but, as mentioned, is given to Treyarch. Powered by Treyarch NGL, allows the player to deal with a single campaign, in which, however, plays the role of soldiers from different factions: one belongs, as it continues, the American forces, British, Canadian and Polish . The game was released in November 2006 in the formats XBox 360, XBox, Wii, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3.
In this article, we summarize the features that Infinity Ward has disclosed in recent months about Call of Duty 4 and we focus primarily on interviews with Grant Collier that we were able to set up in Leipzig, at the Games Convention, which closed the on 26 August. Grant Collier is the president of Infinity Ward. He founded the company in 2001 and has always been dedicated to the development of the various Call of Duty. He had previously worked on games like Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Postal, on the Spec Ops series, Baldies, Magic Land, Enemy Infestation and CIA Operative.

Play as Single player

Call of Duty 4 is set in a real historical context. We assume a global conflict triggered by a tyrant who has taken possession of the executive in Russia. From political portrait similar to that of Stalin, Zakhaev is a nationalist dictator who is allied with Al-Asad, influential politician in the Middle East. The two, together with their allies, they founded an organization calling itself The Four Horsemen. Organize a plan to divert public opinion from the real danger, which is concentrated in Russia, promoting a coup in the Middle East. United States and Great Britain decided to intervene, in order to counter the expansion plans of Zakhaev.
  The single player campaign features a story full of twists and turns, that takes players to fight in different parts of the world. It embodies, in turn, one of the three main characters, but in some missions you can find yourself in the shoes of a secondary character. The three protagonists of Call of Duty 4 Lieutenant Price, who belongs to the 22nd SAS Regiment and who had already appeared in the first two Call of Duty, Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish, belongs to the 22nd SAS Regiment, Sergeant Paul Jackson, belongs to the 7th Marine Regiment.

The game includes a flashback, contextualized about 15 years before the events of the plot bearing. This sequence, of course, is that in which it embodies Price. He has to kill Zakhaev. The two are in the so-called "alienation zone" of Chernobyl. The plan fails and Price Zakhaev manages to escape: however, both were injured and the future dictator of Russia loses an arm.
Than their predecessors, Call of Duty 4 is more like a movie, while in the past there was content merely to recount the deeds of soldiers belonging to the factions involved in the Second World War. It also includes several missions that break the course of events, which will take us from time to time to play as snipers, machine guns or employees that put us in the shoes of Price, as in the flashback we have just described.
The first significant innovation than in the past obviously concerns the arsenal and military equipment. We have at our disposal M203 grenade launcher, laser pointers, night vision devices, silencers, anti-tank missiles to heat-seeking. All this helps to blend the background setting of Call of Duty, substantially unchanged, with a completely different to what we are used to.

Infinity Ward wants to make, first, its realistic game. That is why they are used military tactics actually used on the battlefield, so how do you use the heavy military technology more modern. The environments also reminiscent of the battle scenarios in which we have used, in reality, the various newsgroups, fought in Cairo, Chernobyl, in Prypiat, Azerbaijan. These are just some of the highlights of Call of Duty 4, yet many remain to be revealed.
As for the actual missions that were revealed we can count at least five. One of the most spectacular regards the assault on an enemy ship: our descend from a helicopter on the structure and infiltrate being careful not to operate alarms enemies. All objects in the rooms of the ship are urged by our bullets and fighting appear realistic than ever, while both our comrades that the opponents are held not to be too exposed to enemy fire. Outside the storm rages, with splashing water crashing on the windows: the feeling of involvement is at the highest level. We coordinate with other members of the assault team, which can not, however, receive orders. The AI ​​looks at high levels, although of course this point, we should speak only after personally tried the full game.

In other missions happen to have to break up a defensive outpost of the enemy. In these circumstances we have to outflank opponents who remain well protected in their installations. This scenario, present at the Games Convention in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions, is nocturnal. Another level of play included unveiled a massive attack by several helicopters (ten) against a camp of Al-Asad placed on a coast. In these situations the engine of Call of Duty 4 gives the best of himself, proving capable of handling the number of polygons required to play the flock of helicopters. The Arab soldiers react with anti-aircraft missiles that can knock out several helicopters, generating resulting spectacular visual effects.
The battles can take place even in the desert, with opposing infantry colliding in wide open spaces, and in the narrow alleys of a city destroyed, in which each obstacle is good to protect yourself from view and fire of the enemy soldiers.

Play as Multiplayer

The feeling has remained unchanged from the previous multiplayer experiences I had with the Call of Duty series, but the change of environment, the characteristics of the new weapons, the features of the gadgets and the presence of new elements gives the multiplayer mode of Modern Warfare thickness in more. This mode focuses on a system based on the experience structured around unlockables. It is basically additional equipment, which allows players to customize their own class.  
Basically, while less experienced players may favor only for base classes (assault, heavy equipment, special operations, etc.), who has more experience can customize their weapons, so as to achieve a new balance of the game and play a specific role the battlefield. Infinity Ward ensures that the system provides a greater level of customization for more experienced players, but does not make them more profitable than players who can choose only between the base classes.

The methods available are: Free-for-All, Team Death match, Team Objective (which in turn comprises Domination, Search & Destroy, Capture flags in Domination) and Team Tactical. A fundamental role have classes. There are five basic classes, but other configurations can be realized by the players through the so called perk obtained as a result of the accumulation of experience.
 The perk consist of additional skills that allow you to customize your own class and to play a certain style of play on the battlefield. They are divided into three categories, to which must be added the accessories. The perk gives the ability to aware of the presence of explosives nearby to use C4 explosives, the use of mines, using rocket launchers, increase vital energy, to shorten the time of reloading, to increase the 'effectiveness of their bullets, to run for a greater amount of time, not to make noise during movement and much more.
As for accessories, we include the presence of the grenade launcher for assault rifles, the Vertical Grip, reduces the recoil caused by certain weapons, laser sight and the infrared, the Red Dot Sight, facilitates aims: the silencer. In any case, however, the players have available main weapon, a secondary and a more or less wide availability of grenades. These can be flash, stun and smoke.
 In addition, following a series of consecutive kills will have the opportunity to unlock certain bonuses: we can, for example, call an air raid at a specific point on the map or a helicopter that will automatically start blasting away at the soldiers below, or even , activate the UAV system to immediately know the position of the enemy. For the moment, did not think the introduction of vehicles, in short Infinity Ward focuses on mechanisms that have helped make the multiplayer of Call of Duty, without a significant revolutions.
Infinity Ward has also thought to include a hardcore mode for players savvy. In this mode, one hit to kill opponents, there is no viewfinder, friendly fire is enabled and there are no indications on the state of health of the alter ego digital. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will be on sale from November 5 formats PC, PlayStation 3 and X Box 360.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 15:03


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