Saturday 3 November 2012

10 foods that elevate mood

Scientists advise how to cope with stress without medication.
Each of us experience stress on a regular basis. A nervous shocks can disrupt your normal diet. Some people under stress disgusting the thought of food, while others - do not tear from the plate. In the U.S., where particularly concerned about the composition and quality of the food, identified ten products, the use of which helps to cope with feelings of anxiety and worry.


In the first place - the natural yoghurt.

Especially doctors advise to lean on this product in the spring and summer. It is at the bottom of the length of the light of day yogurt easier to digest. It is rich in the amino acid tyrosine, which increases the level of serotonin (our feel-good hormones) in the brain. A milk proteins increase calming effect of serotonin.
Second place in the dark chocolate.

From this body get phenethylamine. This substance is a neurotransmitter that is, the interaction activates the brain cells, which helps to maintain a positive attitude and improves rabotosposobnost.U people who are in a state of depression, level fenitilamina often lowered, which has on the nervous system adverse effects. Also, chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which are one of the properties - a calming effect on the nervous system (another source of flavonoids - chamomile infusion pharmacy). The darker the chocolate, the more useful it is. Why should they buy chocolates that contain at least 70% cocoa.
In third place - citrus.

 They are rich in natural sugars and vitamin C. The combination helps the brain to handle stress, writes .
Fourth place almonds.

  In nuts contains vitamin B2, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc. All of these vitamins and minerals needed to maintain mental tone and mood.
Fifth place - herbal teas.  

The most effective - with chamomile and jasmine. Depending on the plant components or tea has a calming or stimulating effect.
Sixth place in the fish.  

H ow you guessed it, the whole thing in Omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins (B6 and B12 well struggling with stress). It is known that vitamin B12 deficiency provokes stress. Particularly well to salmon. Recent studies show that contained many varieties of fish in the salmon family polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which increase the level of serotonin in the body, can help to cope with stress. Moreover, these acids restrict production of adrenaline and cortisol - a hormone which in excess can cause a feeling of anxiety.
Seventh place is broccoli.

 Indian immunologist Sheekh Sharma advised to add it to all the dishes, and he calls the most positive side dish, reports The Times of India. It is rich in vegetable proteins, amino acids responsible for the activity of the brain and slow-glucide carbohydrates, which are the best "fuel" for the brain. And in a lot of vegetables of folic acid, which protects against panic attacks and suppresses seizures causeless alarm.

Eighth place - garlic.

  Its active enzymes reduce the negative effect on the nerve cells of the environment.
Ninth - seeds. 

Granny habits, it appears useful. Sunflower seeds - excellent source of folic acid, which has antidepressant effects. Folic acid stimulates the production of dopamine, which is sometimes called the hormone of happiness.
Tenth - walnut. 

Walnuts are so many positive effects on the body characteristics that nuts should be included in your diet in any way, especially with excessive levels of adrenaline. The U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration recommends food to eat about 40 grams of walnuts a day.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 23:56


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