Sunday 4 November 2012

A browser makes quick work of firefighters

The Tenerife Fire Consortium has launched an innovative computer system that will allow professionals to support its services through a set of geographic information that is installed in vehicles to have the scene with all the information that can increase the speed and efficiency when it comes to acting. This initiative came after the Tenerife consortium was selected from over a hundred projects aspiring to be beneficiaries of this European action for the creation of an information system to support territorial intervention actions in fighting fires (with Bombergis acronym).
This innovative project is based on the creation of a geographical information system, integrated into the emergency response platforms (fleet Fire Fire Consortium), provides timely and immediate effect on the location of hydrants and requiring special protection properties, such as BIC buildings, schools or hospitals.
Here, firefighters are directed to emergency service through this navigation system that has been incorporated in the vehicle fleet can obtain crucial information rather than guidance and support emergency intervention. The implementation of the initiative has been carried out through different phases: data collection, digitization of cartographic material and development of a geographic information system and installing browsers on vehicles. Later, firefighters have also conducted various training courses to familiarize themselves with the new device.
Improved response
Currently, a total of 49 fleet vehicles Consortium already have installed the browser, which is a substantial improvement in response times when locating and determining the position of the scene. In addition, the latest browsers offer additional information on the presence or absence of hydrants in the vicinity of the incident and determine if there are buildings with special protection in the area, so it extends the scope of previous knowledge and analysis of the situation by the fire before going to any type of emergency.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 10:30


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