Saturday 3 November 2012

7 foods that cause depression

Nutritionists have found what food spoils the mood.
In general, all the food stimulates the production of endorphins, the happy hormones. However, not all food is really uplifting. Some are neutral to humans, while others are able to lift the mood for a short period of time, after which the person risks to plunge into a worse state than it was before. U.S. scientists have made a list of seven products that can spoil the mood of the person.

1. Chips

They contain a number of extremely harmful acids and carcinogen acrylamide. These substances have on the human body is extremely negative impact - they block the endorphins. The human brain needs a constant flow of them, and once it is broken, regardless of what the cause may be, the recession is a guaranteed mood, writes .
In addition, chips, as well as French fries cooked in Macs in the same oil. And oil has this property, it is after a while begins to emit pollutants and these harmful substances remain in chips and get into our bodies. In chips much salt. Chips - it is not nothing but a mixture of carbohydrates and fat in the shell colors and taste substitutes.
2. Ham

Industrially manufactured ham contains large amounts of sugar, salt, fillers, preservatives and nitrates, which in itself can cause low mood, acting on the human digestive system.
In addition, some unscrupulous manufacturers instead of meat in kolabasah use stuffing made of milled bone with some meat. Sometimes for sausage use rotten meat, which is subject to disinfection, and the taste is hammered additives. Also in the sausage is often a soy protein - it is most often genetically modified.
3. Sugary soft drinks

A surge in blood sugar after eating such foods later ends his sharp decline, resulting in a decline and mood. Sugary soft drinks and have traditionally been considered one of the potentially possible factors of depression.

In addition, scholars have argued that only a month of daily use of the drink are broken metabolism. Joint research specialists Bangor and Utah show that the constant use of sweet carbonated water leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the muscle. Also, the system of consumption radically rebuilt and trying to adjust to new conditions.
4. Margarine

Surprisingly, it actually contains industrial fatty acids omega-6 and despite the fact that scientists have long been arguing about this product - and what it has helped or hurt, a number of tests have confirmed that it can actually have a negative impact on mood.
Margarine contains trans fats, which are detrimental to the health of the heart. In addition, residues of chemicals that are added in the manufacture of butter substitutes, can significantly undermine the health of the entire body. The main product for the production of margarine are vegetable oils, which are produced in our time mostly from soy. Genetically modified soy ingestion can cause severe allergies, including death.
5. Processed pumpkin seeds

Contain potassium bromate, which blocks the uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland. Also regarded by doctors as one of the most powerful products with the potential to spoil the mood of the person. True, pumpkin seeds usually worsen mood in the short term.
6. Bagels

With the caveat - if you start with them daily. Generally eat for breakfast lion dose of carbohydrates is not recommended, because the body is fully awakens long after the brain and the digestive system needs more time to digest all this abundance of carbohydrates. As a result of hormones mood also will be broken.
7. Peanuts

Salted peanuts on the shelves contain MSG, and a huge number of food additives of unknown origin that entered into it during processing. Surprisingly, this product is also able to negatively influence mood.

Krme of harm is to peanut allergies. Some types of proteins contained in peanuts can trigger allergies, and it is very dangerous. Indeed, as a consequence, itching and swelling of the larynx. Allergy to peanuts - one of the strongest.

In general, the use of peanuts should be strictly dosed. Since due to the high calorie foods may securely collect excess weight, and then reset it so hard. People are full of fat and peanuts in food use is not recommended, because the calories in this case will bring only harm.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 23:50


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