Monday 5 November 2012

Microsoft, Windows XP, and Windows Vista users will offer support for Office 2013

Microsoft has introduced a new office software package, in San Francisco. Consumer made available a preview of Office 2013, unfortunately, only supports Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating system devices. I mean, software, code-named Office 15 will offer support for XP and Vista users.
In June 2010, departing from Office 2010, and XP as well as Vista supported. However, the new version is expected to be available at the beginning of 2013, only to be distributed in the fall for Windows 7 and Windows 8 can be used by the owners.
Equipped with cloud computing technologies, the Metro interface of Office 2013, important features for touch devices, improvements will, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, Outlook, Publisher, and Access tools, including the most advanced versions, such as Office 365 Home Premium subscription services that promise. The use of mobile devices more Windows 7 and Windows 8, explains why previous versions offered in support. In addition, the renewed appearance of older operating systems could not be taken full advantage of Office 2013 may be taken into consideration.
Many users will not be very happy about Microsoft's decision. If you want to try the new Office, Windows XP, Vista $ 39.99 fee just like the online versions of Windows 8 may rise and the Redmond-based tech giant Skype, SkyDrive, a new Office product that integrates start using Yammer, and other services. $ 39.99 'health proposal will be valid until January 31st 2013, recalled.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 09:16


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