Sunday 21 October 2012

Website for Dummies

Hello everyone ! today i am going to make a website which is simple easy and for non professionals. this website help you to promote your business have two way to starting a website firstly and most preferable is you have to purchase your own domain and hosting and start your business website if you are not have any budget and not a  professional in this field then you must follow the the way i will going to tell to make a website.

  • Choose the free website maker websites just like as or many other websites you should choose one from these websites.
  • Now after after choosing your website you have to sign up for your free website. Here i am follow the because i like weebly it is simple easy and loving having alot of themes.

  • you have two options for sign up with your Facebook account or write your full name email and password.i am going to sign up with my email address.
  • After writing your full name email address and password weebly ask you for the name of your website and type of website.
Here you will write the name of your website and select your website.
  • After completing and clicking to continue next tab will be open which ask you for your domain address. domain address mean the website address which your visitor type to visit your store. weebly give sub doamain free and .com or main domain have cost. its better to use the sub domain. Whenever you find it usefull you should buy your personal domain.
  • After continue weebly create space for your website. now its a time to customize your website.
  • Now you see the above and will find the different menus which help you alot for making a website and customize you will see the element design pages editors and setting which help you to creating the beautiful website.

 Click Here to make a free website

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 06:00


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